Thursday, July 3, 2008

What I would like to see on the wall

A wall…..something called ‘throw it on the wall.’…almost like a challenge to say, I am blank…hit me……baby one more time……so that’s me…hitting on my own wall………………btw....throwitonthewall is also a new blogspot by the same name...check it out if you are reading this blog.......!!!!!!!! wall...........
A complete road map of where my life is going………..

A crystal ball which shows me what happened to school bully who used to beat me up…I hope some wicked witch got her, or maybe she became a wicked witch herself.

All the special moments in the life of all the people I love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The actual thoughts in the brain of my man.

Recipes, reminders, ‘to do’ lists, and all that I need at hand.

Dirt on some people so that I can blackmail them J

A glimpse into my son’s future.

All the rules that I can break without getting caught!!!!!!!!!

What is going on in the lives of all my favourite Hollywood stars, and how they lose weight.

A quiet green space.

A deep blue sea place where I can watch the fishes in technicolour dreams

A personal wardrobe and style planner.

Some evidence that fairy tales are real.

All the beautiful memories of my life.

A reminder that I should be grateful for everything I have, and stop bitching and moaning about life.

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